Weebly Drag and Drop Builder tutorial

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If you are a first time Weebly user, we recommend that you take a look at these videos before jumping into the Weebly builder. You can view the videos in full screen mode by clicking  Enter Full Screen.

Where Can I Get Help With Weebly?
Visit Weebly's Official Knowledgebase.
View our Weebly tutorial videos (above).
Contact us to sign up for the Weebly Jumpstart service, recommended for new Weebly users.
Sign up for the Web Concierge service, recommended for intermediate Weebly users.
Contact us for regular technical support regarding the Weebly builder.
I Published My Website, But My Blog Page Is Not Showing
Try to republish your website. If this does not work, proceed with the remaining steps.
Use Domain Central to find out where your domain is pointing.
Use File Manager to confirm that two files called 404.php and .htaccess exist in the directory your domain is pointing to.
Click Edit for the .htaccess file.
Copy and paste the following line of code into the .htaccess file (if the line of code does not already exist):
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
If you still have issues, please contact us for help.
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1 comment:

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